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Aí vai, meu povo, uma “retrospectiva cult” do ano que acaba de terminar, em forma de listão de prediletos-da-casa; aí estão reunidas algumas das novidades culturais que mais marcaram meu 2014: são álbuns nacionais e internacionais, filmes de ficção e documentários, além de livros publicados recentemente, que eu prezo pra...

Publicado em: 15/01/15

O Petróleo do Pré-Sal e as Hidrelétricas Amazônicas: Dois Projetos de Reportagem Abortados

Durante as últimas semanas, mergulhei de cabeça nas pesquisas, analógicas e digitais, on e off line, sobre dois temas essenciais para o Brasil de hoje e para o planeta de amanhã. A Agência Pública de Jornalismo Investigativo e o Greenpeace estavam oferecendo microbolsas de R$5.000 para realização de grandes...

Publicado em: 22/11/14

The Earth Woman (by Arundhati Roy, in “The God Of Small Things”)

THE EARTH WOMAN Arundhati Roy (1961 – ) “We belong nowhere”, Chako said. “We sail unanchored on troubled seas. We may never be allowed ashore. Our sorrows will never be sad enough. Our joys never happy enough. Our dreams never big enough. Our lives never important enough. To matter.”...

Publicado em: 14/11/14

O escritor no interior da ampulheta do tempo

por Eduardo Carli de Moraes @ A Casa de Uma ampliação da consciência das interconexões que constituem o tecido da realidade parece-me um caminho recompensador para qualquer dentre nós que sente-se como um peregrino buscador de sabedoria. É claro que, como Zaratustra não tardou a descobrir (assim como seu...

Publicado em: 14/11/14

Shaking Hands with Other People’s Pain

“Nous n’avons pas toujours assez de force pour supporter les maux d’autrui.”  LA ROCHEFOUCAULD (1613 – 1680) Here’s the trouble with solidarity, altruism, compassion, brotherhood and other values we often pay lip service to, while practising them so shabbily: it isn’t always easy or pleasant to join in a...

Publicado em: 01/08/14

Mix Instantâneo: Democracia Imperial (Compre Uma, Leve a Outra de Graça) – Por Arundhati Roy (inclui debate com Howard Zinn)

Instant-Mix Imperial Democracy (Buy One, Get One Free) by Arundhati Roy Presented in New York City at The Riverside Church May 13, 2003 Sponsored by the Center for Economic and Social Rights Also published by Outlook India In these times, when we have to...

Publicado em: 15/06/14

O que aprendi com Noam Chomsky: Osama Bin Laden e George Bush são ambos terroristas (por Arundathi Roy)

“The one fact that shocked me was that Noam Chomsky had searched mainstream U.S. media for 22 years for a single reference to American aggression in South Vietnam, and had found none. (…) I’m still taken aback at the extent of indoctrination and propaganda in the United States. It...

Publicado em: 07/06/14

BROKEN REPUBLIC (Penguin Books, 2011) – The “World’s Biggest Democracy” according to Arundathi Roy

Photos from Arundhati Roy’s Broken Republic INDIA: THE WORLD’S BIGGEST DEMOCRACY? By E.C. Moraes @ Awestruck Wanderer  1998: while we were reaching the end of the 20th century, India was testing nuclear weapons. The civilization which gave to the world masters of wisdom such as Gandhi and Sidarta Gautama, Ambedkar and Tagore, was...

Publicado em: 05/06/14

In Praise of Arundhati Roy’s “The God of Small Things” – by Eduardo Carli de Moraes

“She is one of the great writers and intellectuals of our time. I was thinking about what makes her a really great writer, a really great person, and a really great rebel: someone who listens more than she talks. Someone who goes to find where the silence is, and tries...

Publicado em: 25/05/14

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