A Casa de Vidro apresenta Biblioteca Digital de E-books para estudar, pesquisar e saber mais sobre a história e o processo de libertação da Palestina diante do projeto sionista de Israel – obras disponibilizadas em um único Drive/Nuvem: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1JNOHUUVGMsrXZs0EY-ZpwXrRyRMzOVtn?usp=sharing
ERAKAT, Noura. Justice for Some: Law and the Question of Palestine. Stanford University Press, 2019.
Description: The struggle for Palestinian sovereignty has been a quest for inclusion in—and recognition from—a world order that left them behind. Sovereignty has become a trap for Palestinians and getting out is a matter of political vision and will. The law does not determine any particular outcome, it only promises the contest over one. While Jewish and Palestinian sovereignty are incommensurable, their belonging is not. The law is not just and justice is not rule-based.
WIkipedia – Instagram – Library Genesis
THRALL, Nathan. The Only Language They Understand: Forcing Compromise in Israel and Palestine. 2017.
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Publicado em: 23/01/24
De autoria: Eduardo Carli de Moraes
A Casa de Vidro Ponto de Cultura e Centro de Mídia