“Geologists are beginning to use the term ANTHROPOCENE to designate the era of Earth’s history that extends from the scientific and industrial revolutions to the present day. These geologists see humanity as a force of the same amplitude as volcanoes or even plate tectonics. It is now before GAIA that we are summoned to appear: Gaia, the odd, doubly composite figure made up of science and mythology, used by certain specialists to designate the Earth that surrounds us and that we surround, the truly global Globe that threatens us even as we threaten it.
If I wanted to dramatize – perhaps overdramatize – the ambiance of my investigative project, I would say that it seeks to register the aftershocks of the MODERNIZATION FRONT just as the confrontation with Gaia appears imminent.
At all events, we shall not cure the Moderns of their attachment to their cherished theme, the modernization front, if we do not offer them an alternate narrative… After all, the Moderns have cities who are often quite beautiful; they are city-dwellers, citizens, they call themselves (and are sometimes called) “civilized”.
Why would we not have the right to propose to them a form of habitation that is more comfortable and convenient and that takes into account both their past and their future – a more sustainable habitat, in a way? Why would they not be at ease there? Why would they wander in the permanent utopia that has for so long made them beings without hearth or home – and has driven them for that very reason to inflict fire and bloodshed on the planet?
After all these years of wandering in the desert, do they have hope of reaching not the Promised Land but Earth itself, quite simply, the only one they have, at once underfoot and all around them, the aptly named Gaia?”
“An Inquiry into Modes of Existence: An Anthropology of the Moderns”
Harvard University Press, 2013. Translated by Catherine Porter.
Download e-book at Library Genesis.
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Publicado em: 26/06/14
De autoria: casadevidro247
Noto que você é adepto do comunismo, mas, afinal
Você é adepto da justiça social ou apenas alguém que está de olho no bem dos outros?
Você divide seu salário com os mais pobres que você?, sim, porque neste mundo existe milhões de pessoas com situação pior que a sua.
Já vendeu sua casa, seu sítio, para compartilhar com os outros?
E seu carro? vendeu e dividiu com os mais necessitados?
Ensina seu filho a abraçar os mendigos, respeitar o homossexuais, os viciados em crack?, em cocaína?
Responde sempre com um “Sim” quando tiver que ser um Sim e com um “Não”, quando tiver que ser um Não?
Se já faz tudo isso, parabéns, você é um verdadeiro comunista e é um adepto em potencial do Cristianismo,
Se não,
Você não passa de alguém que tenta enganar a si mesmo.
A Casa de Vidro Ponto de Cultura e Centro de Mídia
Comentou em 29/06/14