“THIS IS WHAT DEMOCRACY LOOKS LIKE” DIRECTED BY JILL FRIEDBERG & RICK ROWLEY / US / 2000 / 72 ‘ PRODUCED BY BIG NOISE FILMS AND CORRUGATED FILMS Synopsis 01: This film, shot by 100 amateur camera operators, tells the story of the enormous street protests in Seattle, Washington in November 1999, against...
“A tese central que sustento é que, no fundo, a crise ambiental é uma consequência, não uma causa. Que, na verdade, os problemas que temos no mundo atual são de caráter político. E isso se manifesta nessa tendência de destroçar a natureza.E por que político? É político e é...
McDonaldization Of World Food “Globalization has created the McDonaldization of world food, resulting in the destruction of sustainable food systems. It attempts to create a uniform food culture of hamburgers. The mad-cow-disease epidemic tells us something of the costs hidden in this food culture and food economy. In 1994,...
“To kill oblivion with a little memory, we cover our chests with lead and hope.” SUBCOMANDANTE MARCOS, Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (EZLN). In: ‘Our Word is Our Weapon: Selected Writings’, Foreword: José Saramago (Nobel Prize In Literature) Published by Seven Stories Press (New York, 2003, Pg. 100.) PART I...
CHAPTER III – THE CLASH BETWEEN OBLIVION AND MEMORY “…there once was a man named Zapata who rose up with his people and sang out: ‘Land and Freedom!’ The campesinos say that Zapata didn’t die, that he must return… They say that hope is also planted and harvested. They also...
Viveiros de Castro: “Houve uma espécie de opção política forçada do PT, segundo a qual a única maneira de melhorar a renda dos pobres é não mexer na renda dos ricos. Ou seja, vamos ter que tirar o dinheiro de outro lugar. E de onde é que eles estão...
Respeitosamente vândala Confira, na íntegra, a entrevista com a pensadora e ativista Ivana Bentes, publicada na CULT 188 http://revistacult.uol.com.br/home/2014/03/respeitosamente-vandala/ “As periferias são laboratórios de mundos e a riqueza do Brasil. Não mais os pobres assujeitados e excluídos de certo imaginário e discurso, mas uma ciberperiferia, a riqueza da pobreza...
COSMOS RELOADED Eduardo Carli de Moraes “L’infinie variété des formes sous lesquelles la matière nous apparaît, elle ne les emprunte pas à un autre être, elle ne les reçoit pas du dehors, mais elle les tire d’elle-même, elle les fait sortir de son propre sein. La matière est en...
The Union – Business Behind Getting High Canada, 2007, 105 min Directed By: Brett Harvey http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1039647/ “Ever wonder what British Columbia’s most profitable industries are? Logging? Fishing? Tourism? Ever think to include marijuana? If you haven’t, think again. No longer a hobby for the stereotypical hippie culture of the...
* * * * * ANGELA DAVIS in The Meaning of Freedom. * * * * * “Beware of those leaders and theorists who eloquently rage against white supremacy but identify black gay men and lesbians as evil incarnate. Beware of those leaders who call upon us to...
A Casa de Vidro Ponto de Cultura e Centro de Mídia
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