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Dançando à Beira do Abismo: Nietzsche segundo Stefan Zweig

Some remarks upon... STEFAN ZWEIG (1881-1942), “The Struggle With The Demon – Kleist, Hölderlin and Nietzsche” Introduction and Translation by Will Stone. Hesperus Press, London, 2013. Article by Eduardo Carli de Moraes: PART I. A DANGEROUS LIFE Maybe the thrill in our veins when we read Nietzsche derives from the sense...

Publicado em: 18/01/14

Mixtape: 12 canções que gritam “LIBERDADE!” (Hendrix, Lennon, MC5, Nina Simone, Funkadelic… e mto mais!)

No cardápio: 01) Jimi Hendrix; 02) John Lennon; 03) Neil Young; 04) Richie Havens; 05) Bob Marley; 06) Ben Harper; 07) Funkadelic; 08) MC5; 09) The DT’s; 10) Rage Against the Machine; 11) Charles Mingus; 12) Nina Simone. Pump up the volume… and enjoy the ride! * * * * * “Liberdade é uma palavra...

Publicado em: 18/01/14

“Shadows of Liberty” – Mídia Corporativa vs Liberdade de Imprensa [baixe o doc completo]

SHADOWS OF LIBERTY (A film by Jean-Philippe Tremblay, 2011) Watch it online: “Shadows of Liberty reveals the extraordinary truth behind the news media: censorship, cover-ups and corporate control. Filmmaker Jean-Philippe Tremblay takes a journey through the darker corridors of the US media, where global conglomerates call the shots. For...

Publicado em: 18/01/14

Thomas Nagel on Death (a chapter from “Mortal Questions”, 1979, Cambridge University Press)

DEATH by  Thomas Nagel from Mortal Questions (New York: Cambridge U. Press, 1979) pp. 1-10. If death is the unequivocal and permanent end of our existence, the question arises whether it is a bad thing to die. There is conspicuous disagreement about the matter: some people think death is dreadful;...

Publicado em: 18/01/14

O ANTROPÓLOGO CONTRA O ESTADO – As ideias e as brigas de Eduardo Viveiros De Castro, o intelectual brasileiro que virou a filosofia ocidental pelo avesso – Revista Piauí #88

Na Piauí #88, de Janeiro de 2014, saiu uma longa-reportagem sobre vida e obra do antropólogo Eduardo Viveiros de Castro (Museu Nacional – RJ); compartilho abaixo alguns trechos. Confiram também a entrevista concedida por ele à Revista Aletria (UFMG) e o curso em vídeo “Introdução ao Pensamento Indígena” no La Revolucion...

Publicado em: 12/01/14

Um peregrino cheio de espanto… Novo blog na área!

Caros leitores, o rio sempre-corrente da vida segue carregando minha barcola a peregrinar por novas paragens: por cerca de um ano, estarei às margens do Lago Ontário, em Toronto, encarando pela primeira vez uma experiência “na gringa”. Sair das tórridas temperaturas de Goiânia, onde é verão o ano inteiro,...

Publicado em: 11/01/14

Encarando a Esfinge: uma jornada pelo labirinto da “Trilogia de Nova York” (Paul Auster)

Facing the Sphinx: a journey through the maze of Paul Auster’s New York Trilogy (Eduardo Carli de Moraes) “There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something...

Publicado em: 05/01/14

Os EUA contra John Lennon: de artista a ameaça pública, as peripécias do Beatle em seu clash com o establishment yankee…

JOHN LENNON AS PUBLIC ENEMY How the Beatle became a menace to the U.S. Establishment as revealed by Leaf’s and Scheinfield’s pulsating documentary After the Beatles broke-up, John Lennon certainly wasn’t willing to simply let things be. Even tough he remained faithful to the pacifist creed once stated in...

Publicado em: 05/01/14

Utopia’s dangers and toils: some remarks on Hawthorne’s “The Blithedale Romance” (1852)

Utopia’s dangers and toils: some remarks on Hawthorne’s “The Blithedale Romance” (1852) Reproduzido do Awestruck Wanderer In 1841, Hawthorne moved to Brook Farm, an experimental socialist community in Massachussets. This Utopian rural commune, connected with the Transcendentalism movement, drew inspiration from the ideas of Ralph Waldo Emerson and Charles Fourier,...

Publicado em: 05/01/14

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