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“O fundamentalismo de mercado sabota sistematicamente nossa resposta coletiva à crise climática”, afirma autora e ativista canadense Naomi Klein em seu novo livro, “This Changes Everythin”

“Time is tight, to be sure. But we could commit ourselves, tomorrow, to radically cutting our fossil fuel emissions and beginning the shift to zero-carbon sources of energy based on renewable technology, with a full-blown transition underway within the decade. We have the tools to do that. And if...

Publicado em: 12/03/15

“Life Far From Hot Baths” – Simone Weil’s philosophy in connection with Zen Buddhist ethics

“The true hero, the true subject, the center of the Iliad is force. Force employed by man, force that enslaves man, force before which man’s flesh shrinks away. To define force – it is that X that turns anybody who is subjected to it into a thing. Exercised to...

Publicado em: 19/03/14

Ian McEwan, em um de seus melhores romances, “Solar”, ironiza a ciência e faz a crônica do inesquecível Mr. Beard

IAN MCEWAN. Solar.(Ed. Vintage Books, Londres, 2010, 390pgs.) Para os grandes capitalistas, acionistas, donos de indústrias e CEOs de mega-corporações, o aquecimento global talvez seja considerado como um estraga-prazeres desagradável, como um discurso de ecochatos que tentam lançar pedras nas engrenagens dos lucros desenfreados… Reduzir a mero discurso um...

Publicado em: 27/10/11

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