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FRATURAS NO ARCO-ÍRIS TERRESTRE UMA REFLEXÃO SOBRE AS “ZONAS DE SACRIFÍCIO” E.C.M. || A CASA DE VIDRO Imagino que o homem branco, europeu e pretensamente “civilizado”, quando aportou neste continente que batizaria de América (em homenagem ao branquelo europeu Vespúcio), deve ter aparecido aos habitantes nativos destas terras como...

Publicado em: 22/05/15

A Torre de Babel e os Frutos da Terra

A TORRE DE BABEL E OS FRUTOS DA TERRA Há tempos que eu não me chocava tanto diante do talento incomensurável de um artista quanto ando fazendo diante dos quadros de Pieter Bruegel, “o Velho” (“The Elder”). Uma de suas mais impressionantes criações retrata o mito judaico-cristão da Torre...

Publicado em: 22/05/15

The Earth Woman (by Arundhati Roy, in “The God Of Small Things”)

THE EARTH WOMAN Arundhati Roy (1961 – ) “We belong nowhere”, Chako said. “We sail unanchored on troubled seas. We may never be allowed ashore. Our sorrows will never be sad enough. Our joys never happy enough. Our dreams never big enough. Our lives never important enough. To matter.”...

Publicado em: 14/11/14

David Suzuki Ensina

David Suzuki in this interview about facing the reality of climate change and other environmental issues from Moyers & Company. Visualizações da publicação: 304

Publicado em: 19/10/14

Gaia no Antropoceno – Bruno Latour em “Uma Antropologia dos Modernos”

GAIA IN THE ANTHROPOCENE By Bruno Latour “Geologists are beginning to use the term ANTHROPOCENE to designate the era of Earth’s history that extends from the scientific and industrial revolutions to the present day. These geologists see humanity as a force of the same amplitude as volcanoes or even...

Publicado em: 26/06/14

“Life Far From Hot Baths” – Simone Weil’s philosophy in connection with Zen Buddhist ethics

“The true hero, the true subject, the center of the Iliad is force. Force employed by man, force that enslaves man, force before which man’s flesh shrinks away. To define force – it is that X that turns anybody who is subjected to it into a thing. Exercised to...

Publicado em: 19/03/14

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